Colegio de Sto. Nino de Bustos, Inc. Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan Philippines
Colegio de Sto. Nino de Bustos, Inc.Poblacion, Bustos, BulacanPhilippines


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Colegio de Sto. Niño de Bustos

Colegio de Sto. Nino de Bustos, Inc being a non-stock, non-profit educational institution situated in Bustos, Bulacan 40 km North of Metro Manila. Holds the distinction of being the First and Only Catholic School in Bustos. With Security and Exchange Commission registration number A 200006737 issued on the 26th of April 2000 at Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines. 

CSNB is a NON STOCK Corporation but understanding that are mission can only be achieve if we have a reasonable capital, the institution had encourage members to give reasonable contribution, which will yield substantial benefit, ownership of the corporation and enormous self-fulfilment and actualization by rendering such great service to the community and to God through His school system. 

As an institution of learning, it exemplifies the tangible expression of a sincere desire to aggressively partake and provide Catholic Education to all its members and inject them with its ideals. CSNB instills enthusiasm and participation from all parents, teachers and pupils to be actively involved in the development of every child within CSNB and those that can be reached with its ideals. 

And with the guidance of Msgr. Macario Manahan, Rev. Fr. Albert J. Santiago, Rev. Fr. Mario Mendiola, Rev. Fr. Edgardo de Jesus, Mrs. Leoncia Principio,Mrs. Cristina Santos, Mr.Celso Fernando and Mr. Arturo Sayco, Mr. Robert Vicente founded the Colegio de Sto. Nino de Bustos(CSNB), initially composed of four (4) priest and five (5) lay people acting as Board of Trustees. 

On June 2, 2000, CSNB, Inc. was officially inaugurated and the School Board took their Oath of Office. From then on, CSNB grew from 46 enrolees for SY 2000, eighty (80) enrolees for SY 2001, hundred sixty (160) for SY 2002, two hundred nine (209) for SY 2003 and two hundred seventy eight for SY 2004. 

Since then, there were major changes in the framework established by CSNB and within its school system as a whole. The societal demand for quality education and the necessity for cost containment to make education very affordable have exerted pressure for change in the school system. 

In response to this dual pressure, the corporate and administrative level have collaborated to develop a school system through a profound and long term master plan that has proved effective in containing costs amidst very limited capitalization while simultaneously providing quality service. This system, practiced as CSNB’s frameworks (organizational, conceptual and physical) which is defined as SCHOOL GOVERNANCE, will continue to evolve in order for the institution to be sustained in the next generation. It is believed that CSNB’s system is unique and distinct from other institution having created a culture of a governed school, not just a managed school. This is based and premised on international best practices and the code on corporate governance issued by the SEC and a reflection of our existing Charter.

The 6 Acts as Value Statements within the School


    These are taken as personal targets or as KPIs, but collectively becomes a strong corporate behavior. These must be met by each employee, student, and parent.



Shows the core values of CSNB: humility, respect and obedience; creating a culture of discipline; engage in disciplined thoughts and disciplined action; operating with freedom within a framework of responsibilities which is the cornerstone of a culture that creates greatness. In a culture of discipline, people do not have jobs; they have responsibilities.


Shows concern for the environment and anything that deals with the preservation of “mother earth”; learn how making a few simple changes can make a “green” world of difference.


Shows CSNB’s commitment to prepare its members to be globally competitive through effective communication skills in English; connects with peers, subordinates and customers, actively listens, clearly and effectively shares information, demonstrates effective oral and written communication skills, and negotiates effectively in English or Filipino.


Shows accountability and sound judgement in managing school resources in open and effective manner, appropriate understanding of confidentiality, and school values; adheres to policies, procedures, and safety guidelines.


Shows cooperation, fairness and equity; shows respect for people and their differences; works to understand perspectives of others; demonstrates empathy; brings out the best in others.


Shows the importance of delivering high quality, innovative service to internal and external clients; understands the needs of the client; customer service focus; shares accountability for results provided.


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CSNB 2000